Learn to enjoy fitness whilst gaining confidence in all areas of your life

Do you feel like taking the first step towards losing weight will:
- 1Be too hard?
- 2Get too complicated?
- 3Not be as easy as when you were younger?
- 4Be practically impossible to prioritise yourself first?
I get what it's like to feel okay one day and not mind the reflection in the mirror to awful the following day, avoiding looking at all costs.
I understand what it is to be fed up and struggle with emotional eating, cravings and motivation.
FUEL Fitness has worked with lots of women who have had enough of the vicious cycle of 'dieting', the ups and downs of the journey to weight loss and find themselves embarrassed with their body. Particularly when they find themselves looking at that photo wishing they were "as fat as they thought they were then"
FUELs Trainers are real women, with their own families, life experiences and struggles.
FUEL Fitness was created by Grace Campbell who has a ‘been there, done that, and got the t-shirt’ type of experience. Here's her story:
As a teenager dance really interested me. I studied at Italia Conti, School of Arts and went on to study at the Academy of Contemporary Music. I even worked as a Redcoat, dancing, singing and generally entertaining. Having had an active upbringing and lifestyle I settled down and had my daughter where in all honesty I neglected myself. I ignored the reflection in the mirror and told myself I had carried a child and my body was never going to be the same ever again. I thought I was happy and didn’t forecast any changes in the near future. Then I was invited to try a Zumba class with a friend in 2011. This was where it all started for me; it moved me and brought me back to my roots. I was good at it and wanted to do it more often, so I got qualified and started teaching it to others.
Since starting this, I thought I needed to lose weight to ‘look’ more like a fitness instructor, particularly when I qualified as a Personal Trainer. I tried some of the fad diets – but no surprise they didn’t work. I adopted the help from different types of classes, trainers and then challenged myself to take part in a bikini competition, which I placed 3rd in. I became passionate about being more active and lifting weights; combining my exercise classes, spouts of different trainers advice and my own training, I dropped 4 dress sizes and almost 3 stone. My relationship with food still needed a lot of improvement but I found a middle ground with it eventually.

Like with all new things I grew complacent since my first ‘transformation’ and started to drop a lot of the healthier habits I had taught myself. Chocolate and all other type junk food was making a hefty comeback in my life. I was overwhelmed with stress; trying to juggle (what felt like) everything; my daughter, my house, my dog, my social life, my MAC nutrition learning course, my business moving premises and keeping my clients happy that my marriage was breaking down around me. When I finally stopped and realised how far back (and further) I had gone in my physical appearance, and with my demons and mental health plummeting, I knew that only I could pull myself out the hole I had fallen (and stayed) in.
Physically, I was still teaching lots of classes, but I no longer enjoyed working out, so I just stopped moving as much. I no longer ran or took part in obstacle course races due to a ‘do well or don’t bother’ mindset. When previously I had LOVED them.
I then had all the defeatist thoughts of “I’ll never get back to where I was” “it’s too hard” “I’ll have to start again” “I don’t know if I have the energy to do it” “it’s going to be so much harder this time” especially knowing that once I was fitter and stronger.
In all honesty, I was training a friend early 2020 who had to run around the roundabout 4 times as part of his workout. ‘Run with me’ he said, ‘sure’ I replied…
Well, embarrassingly, I made 3 laps and he did the last one by himself. With a follow up comment of “how do you expect to motivate anyone when you can’t even motivate yourself” combined with the realization of not being able to run 400m anymore AND an awful photo I saw of myself from my birthday the week before, I had been giving the kick up the butt I needed. Fire was ignited under me and off I went chipping away again. I had to get my mindset away from the number on the scales and focus on one thing at a time. Better food choices, not as much chocolate, walk or just generally move more – that I was reminded how much I personally enjoy running and that my body looks better now than ever before.
I’ll always be clung onto the thought that I don’t weigh as little as I did the first transformation, but for me it was the mental battle I am most proud of overcoming.
I believe encountering my own transformations and overcoming many struggles puts me above other personal trainers. I have experienced the ups and downs of my own journeys both personally and professionally. I understand and can relate to your emotions throughout your own; what it feels like to achieve your goal; or even when you don’t. I have already inspired, motivated and encouraged many women just like you, let me move you too.
I have a huge sense of satisfaction knowing where I have come from. I welcome and I value anyone else who wants to make the first step to positive changes in their life too.
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